I am a political scientist with a focus on international relations and conflict research. Between 2010 and 2018, I served as academic program director for the M.Sc. program in Public Policy and Human Development offered jointly by Maastricht University and United Nations University. I am currently serving as founding director of the broad interdisciplinary Bachelor, B.Sc. Global Studies, and I continue to lecture, supervise and provide academic advice for bachelor, master and doctoral students at several institutes at Maastricht University.
My most recent journal publication is The Failure of Foreign Policy Entrepreneurs in the Trump Administration with Roberta Haar, published in Politics & Policy, 49 (2), 446–478, April 2021.
My most recent working paper is “Supporting academic advising through self-directed, blended learning” with Mindel van de Laar and Katerina Triantos, published in the UNU-MERIT working paper series, May 2021.
My most recent report is “Harsh Summer, Wet Winter? A Long-Term View of Iraq’s Water Resources” with Robert Tollast and Nick Waters, published by the Iraq Energy Institute, London, May 2019.
Click here for a list of publications.
In the academic year 2020/21, I am contributing to the following courses:
B.Sc. Global Studies
- Introduction to Global Studies · Guest lecturer
B.A. European Studies
- Back to the Sources · Guest lecturer
M.Sc. Public Policy & Human Development
- Introduction to Data Science & Statistics · Guest lecturer
M.A. European Studies
- Back to the Sources · Guest lecturer
Click here for more information about my teaching.
Click here to read about my education and work experience, including degrees and courses.
I do not maintain a personal blog, but have contributed to blogs numerous times. A selected subset of posts is reproduced in the commentary section.